Zyklus I–IV: Switch to English and German (alternating)
as of winter semester 2019/20
Starting in winter 2019/20 Eva Kernbauer and Edith Futscher are going to read the Zyklus lectures alternating in English and German. This not only meets the increasing demand on the part of students but also shows the growing importance of English as a teaching language at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. This change will take effect in winter 2019/20, the courses will take place as follows:
WiSe 2019/20:
Zyklus 1 (From Upper Paleolithic to Late Middle Ages): Edith Futscher: English
Zyklus 3 (Kunst der Moderne): Eva Kernbauer: Deutsch
SoSe 2020:
Zyklus 2 (Frühe Neuzeit / 1400-1800): Edith Futscher: Deutsch
Zyklus 4 (Contemporary Art): Eva Kernbauer: English
WiSe 2020/21:
Zyklus 1 (Vom Paläolithikum zum Spätmittelalter): Edith Futscher: Deutsch
Zyklus 3 (Modern Art): Eva Kernbauer: English
SoSe 2021:
Zyklus 2 (Art and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe / 1400-1800): Edith Futscher: English
Zyklus 4 (Kunst der Gegenwart): Eva Kernbauer: Deutsch
and so on.
It still will be possible to take the exams either in English or German, regardless of the lectures´ actual language. This change means that the complete Zyklus (I–IV) can only be heard in 4 semesters (unlike in previous years in 2). According to the wishes of some classes we scheduled both lectures on Monday afternoon, one after the other. For more information, please check the base regularly.

Monday 1:30–3:00 pm and 3:30–5:00 pm
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien,
Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien