Luce deLire: Sign here – the transsexual contract and other means of oppression
Gastvortrag von Luce deLire im Zuge der Veranstaltungsreihe Kunst – Forschung – Geschlecht: Rethinking Feminisms
The World is ruled by broken promises, social contracts never signed. We will re-visit, re-negotiated and re-sign each one of them. There is a lot of oppression, a lot of complicity. Get your pens ready.
Attention: Has been postponed (from the originally planned May 15th, 2024) to May 22nd, 2024!

22. Mai 2024,
18 Uhr, Angewandte,
Hörsaal 1 (Ferstltrakt, EG),
Oskar-Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien