
Disruptive Infrastructures // Film-Screening Performance and Panel Discussion

Do, 27. Februar 2025, 18 Uhr, Depot Wien

Where do the escape routes from the Yugoslav war in 1992 and the paths of a highway construction plan from 2020 intersect? Amel Bešlagić traces the trajectories of these entangled routes in his hometown Kozarac, Bosnia and Hercegovina. In two short films he maps and mirrors both the visible and invisible trails of radical topographical and social dislocation in the small town. These regional transformations – driven by war, migration, foreign investments, infrastructural policy, and land politics – reflect the condition of many former Yugoslav territories.

Amel Bešlagić
, architect, artist, filmmaker, Graz

Disruptive Infrastructures
Gregor Pirgie
, art historian, Natural History Museum of Vienna
Phillip Sattler
, IZK Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz

Noit Banai
, Diaspora Aesthetics, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna & Hamida Sivac, art historian, University of Vienna / University of Applied Arts Vienna

Mirage (2024), R: Amel Bešlagić, 5 min., English / Subtitles in English
Routes of Hope (2024), R: Amel Beslagic, Screening-Performance 20 min., English / Subtitles in English

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Depot Wien:

Depot – Kunst und Diskussion
Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien