Tactics&Practice #16: Are You a Software Update? Ljubljana, February–June 2025
Aksioma – Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana, 2025
Node #3
13 May–13 June 2025
13 May 2025, 16:00-17:00
Sophie Publig, Charlotte Reuß
Becoming-Girl: On Posthuman Subjectivities and Algorithmic Epistemologies
From TikTok phenomena like #GirlDinner to the rediscovery of
girlblogging, the Girl Online embodies an era where hyperfemininity,
nostalgia, and cuteness become tactical tools for navigating algorithmic
systems. By strategically exploiting traditional categories of gender
and identity, these digital aesthetics merge with methods of
queer-feminist theory, postcapitalist thought, and posthumanist
perspectives to illuminate the crafting of personal narratives beyond
rigid conceptions of gender.
Drawing inspiration from platforms like Tumblr and Pinterest, we examine the Girl Online as a form of subjectivity that mediates between the collective and individual by means of a common aesthetic and language. This starting point allows for subversion and perversion of traditional conceptions of identity. Recognising that complicity with algorithmic structures of commercial social media platforms arise as a lack of alternatives in late stage capitalism, we frame algorithmicity not only as a constraint but as a space of subversion, where the Girl Online can be recontextualized to challenge normative identities.
Under the mantra of ‘the only way out is through’ we interrogate the
tensions of living within surveillant control societies while exploring
how subjectivities shaped by the algorithm can offer playful and
profound avenues toward the posthumanist project. In this process of
becoming-machinic, unfolding into becoming-girl, we offer a means to
reimagine fixed notions of identity, expanding the horizons of
self-expression in an era of pervasive technological entanglement.
This event is additionally supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
13 May 2025, 17:00-19:00
Sophie Publig, Charlotte Reuß
Choose Your Avatar – Girlblogging as posthumanist practice
In this workshop, participants will explore the fluid identity of the
Girl Online through the lens of autotheory, using digital tools
inspired by girlblogging practices such as journaling, speculative
storytelling, fan fiction, browser tab histories, and moodboard
archaeology. By reimagining life paths as narratives shaped by mood,
energy, and traits—similar to creating a game character in The Sims—you’ll
be able to consider how we construct and perform our identities online
and irl. Projecting the contradictions embodied by the Girl Online onto
personal avatar creation offers the possibility to perform a critique of
gender stereotypes in connection to platform capitalism, while
acknowledging the Girl Online’s identity as one rooted in late
capitalism. Playing with the cultural artifacts of girlblogging allows
participants to unearth the entanglements between their digital and
meatspace selves and experiment with renarrating their existence through
the perspective of the Girl Online.
- A deeper understanding of the construction of fluid identities in the context of digital cultures, late stage capitalism, and posthumanism.
- Practical tools for storytelling and autotheory to craft new narratives.
- Media-specific techniques to engage with and reinterpret online artifacts, like browser tab histories and Tumblr archaeology.
- Updated insights into the interweaving between personal identity and digital cultures through the lens of the Girl Online.
Duration: 2 hours
Materials and knowledge required:
- No prior knowledge is required—just an open mind and willingness to explore!
- Participants should bring a laptop or tablet for online exploration and writing.
- A notebook or journal is recommended for offline sketching of ideas and reflections.
Free of charge. Registration required
This workshop is additionally supported by the Austrian Cultural Forum.
Aksioma | Project Space
14 May–13 June 2025
Opening: 14 May at 18:00
Joanna Bacas, Socrates Stamatatos
EVA (Evil Vibrant Astute) 2.0
Slovenian Cinematheque
15 May 2025
Silvia Dal Dosso
The Future Ahead Is Going To Be Weird AF (The Ultimate AI CoreCore Experience) Part One + Part Two

Tactics&Practice #16: Are You a Software Update?
Ljubljana, February–June 2025