
Vortragsreihe: „Who has the Freedom to Care, or Not to Care?"​ (Kunst – Forschung – Geschlecht)

Die interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe „KUNST – FORSCHUNG – GESCHLECHT" an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien trägt im Studienjahr 2021/22 den Titel Who has the Freedom to Care, or Not to Care?"

​Sorgearbeit – Instandhalten, Pflegen, Wiederherstellen: Dies verlangen Körper, Psychen, der Raum und die Räume, in denen wir uns bewegen, die Dinge mit denen wir leben. Aber wer kümmert sich? Und unter welchen Bedingungen? / Care work – maintaining, attending to, restoring: all this is required by bodies, psyches, the space and the rooms in which we move, and the things with which we live. But who does the caring? And under which circumstances?

++ Studierende können die Vortragsreihe als Lehrveranstaltung semesterweise absolvieren. / Students can complete the lecture series as a course semester by semester.
Lehrveranstaltungsleitung / course management
: Edith Futscher ++


Wintersemester 2021/22

20. Oktober 2021, 18h, via Zoom
Fannie Sosa
Pleasure Against The Machine, Pleasure is Power
Pleasurably obtaining knowledge, fabricating it, and redistributing it, seems to be at the core of an intersectional understanding where knowledges, power and pleasures and pain are interrelated.

17. November 2021, 18h, via Zoom
Riikka Prattes
Care in the Service of Whiteness
Interrogating the underbelly of care, Prattes discusses historical cases of uplift and contemporary integration measures of marginalized folks as cases of “inclusive subordination” that are shaped by coloniality and embedded in productivist thinking.

15. Dezember 2021, 18h, via Zoom
Evdokia P. Romanova
Obedience and disobedience in art through theatre-based approaches
The lecture will focus on gathered personal experience of the speaker as an artivist and theatre practitioner who worked under the restrictive regime and supported the establishment of the very first LGBTIQ+ theatre group in Samara, Russia.

12. Jänner 2022, 18h, via Zoom
Sophie Lewis
Beyond the (private nuclear) family, and the for-profit care industry, too
Even as “family values” intensified, the importance of care workers became clearer than ever during Covid. However, the for-profit care industry is no antidote to the private nuclear household. In this talk, Sophie Lewis revives more utopian horizons.

19. Jänner 2022, 18–19:30h Prüfung (Distanz Modus)

Sommersemester 2022

16. März 2022,
18h, Auditorium
Roxana Radulescu und Anna Leder IG24
Migrantisch, weiblich, überausgebeutet und systemrelevant – Die Organisierung von 24h Betreuer*innen

Mehr als 60.000 24h Personenbetreuer*innen arbeiten in Österreich. Als Scheinselbstständigen fehlt es ihnen an sozialer Absicherung und effizienten Interessenvertretungen. Die Interessengemeinschaft der 24-Stunden-Betreuer*innen versucht darauf Antworten zu geben!

6. April 2022, 18h, Auditorium
Birge Krondorfer
Care-Arbeit ist keine Freiheit.

Für die Philosophin Hannah Arendt ist Freiheit gerade nicht mit (Sorge-)Arbeit zu verbinden. Sie differenziert strikt zwischen privaten/sozialen und politischen Angelegenheiten. Im feministischen Kontext ergibt dies eine unausgelotete Spannung

11. Mai 2022, 18h, Auditorium
Johanna Braun
Caring for Change: Performing Witchcraft Activism

Johanna Braun addresses how witchcraft and magic have been increasingly mobilized in contemporary (performance) art and activism to demand (through artistic interventions) political change and summon important questions around health care practices.

1. Juni 2022, 18h, HS1
Johanna Hedva
Why It's Taking So Long (Notes on Disability Justice)
Care is always a deficit, always insolvent. This is because the body, by definition, is a thing that needs support; it needs food, rest, sleep, shelter, care. And what about redefining the body as a thing that needs, full stop because what else would support be?

15. Juni 2022, Prüfung (online)

Mittwoch / Wednesday

18–20 Uhr / 6pm–8pm

Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

Auditorium, Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, 1030 Wien
wheelchair accessible

Anmeldung erforderlich! / Registration required!

Studierende registrieren sich bitte über https://base.uni-ak.ac.at bis 20. Oktober 2021, andere Interessierte per eMail an gender@uni-ak.ac.at. /
Students please sign in at https://base.uni-ak.ac.at by 20 October 2021, other interested persons please send an email to gender@uni-ak.ac.at.


Abteilung für Genderangelegenheiten / Department of Gender Affairs
Kontakt: gender@uni-ak.ac.at

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat / Scientific Advisory Board:

Maria Bussmann, Edith Futscher, Renée Gadsden, Barbara Graf, Nanna Heidenreich, Kristina Pia Hofer, Doris Löffler, Anna Spohn, Jenni Tischer, Sascha Alexandra Zaitseva